
Celatone Case Study Summary

The screenshot of Celatone on Contract Details page, which is the fundamental of the products to allow users deploy, interact, and organize the smart contracts easily.


Celatone is a smart-contract developer tools which allow users to deploy their smart contracts through intuitive user interfaces, interact with deployed contracts to query and execute the contract functions, and also able to explore the network blocks, contracts, validators, transactions, etc.

Project Links:

Landing Site: Home – Celatone

** Required the Cosmos-network wallet **

Our Motivation as a Product

After the time at Terra, working on Nebula Protocol. We’ve been watching how painful our smart contract developers have to suffer due to the bad developer experience using the available software to deploy and interact with their contracts.

Instead of adapting to usability problems, we came up with this side project to tackle these problem by ourselves with the belief that these complicated works can be simplified through intuitive user interfaces.


My Role


Talk about pain points with our developers

How We Researched Within

We began by conducting comprehensive user research, which actually with our smart contract developers, to understand the pain points of individuals interacting with current available software. This included:


We’ve done the user interview and contextual inquiry to define the current user journey, which involving several apps so it is very fractured flow for users to do.

Pain Points in Depth

Basically to deploy smart contract and check out if it works properly, they need to


1. Dev Mode: Findability and Discoverability Issue.

Users must download Terra Station to deploy a smart contract to the Terra network. However, the contracts section remains hidden until users discover how to enable the "Developer Mode," which is not easily found. Even the developers aware that the feature exists. Additionally, there is no mention in the documentation about how to activate this feature.

enable dev mode.png



contract use cases.png

2. Providing use cases without guiding the steps

For the new users, they might not understand that the need to upload the file first and instantiate the stored file. UI provides only options to “Upload” or “Instantiate” which is not self-explanatory enough and does not indicate the steps.




3. Fractioned and not smoothened experience

See the transaction in the Terra Finder (need to open another app) and find the code ID in the event section, which require a lot of scrolling and hard to find as the user interface require users to do conjunctive-based search.

This issue has been voted the most annoying touchpoint by our users, as it unnecessarily increases interactions without any intentional resolution through design.




4. Non-specific UX writings and improvable input validation

Both new and advanced users find the lack of guidance for each input field problematic, as there is insufficient information on how to fill them in correctly. Additionally, there is no validation feedback for the inputs, and the error messages provided are non-specific and unhelpful for correcting mistakes. Furthermore, required fields are not clearly marked as such, adding to the confusion.




5. Non-specific UX writings and improvable input validation

After instantiating the contract, developers typically try to query information from the contract to verify its functionality. However, the UI does not guide them towards querying or other actions, resulting in users having to navigate to Terra Finder to copy the address and then paste it on the Contract page to access the “Query” button. Additionally, the query functions are not automatically retrieved, forcing users to rely on memory ("recall") rather than visual recognition ("recognize") to identify available functions.
